Close up:  A day at the zoo.  Oil on canvas.  W 167.5cm x H 121.5cm.

Close up:  A day at the zoo.  Oil on canvas.  W 167.5cm x H 121.5cm.

My aim is to challenge the complacency in the way we see things and create a sense of wonder in what can be achieved by the simple use of line and colour.       

The direction of my work is toward the use of line to create form.   As my brush travels around a face or a trunk of a tree or whatever the subject matter might be, the line may catch a bump or a shadow and immediately its direction and structure changes to accommodate what it meets, revealing a characteristic that is typical of the subject.

In ‘Reflections’ for example, the technique offers the opportunity to go past the features and to capture 'that something' that is inherent within the subject.  Salvador Dali once said "I don't paint a portrait to look like the subject, rather does the person grow to look like his portrait."

Consequently, the result is more a search for the essence of the subject rather then a mirror image.

This technique of multiple overlapping lines seems to change organically as the challenges appear for each body of work.  A good example is the difference between, 'Just add water' and Life Captured' where in the latter the finer lines reveal a more detailed image of the subject.

The technique used in ‘Moments in time,’ is an earlier example of the exploration with line. 

This exploration with line and colour is constantly taking me into unchartered territory and revealing the everyday in a new light.










2015      Finalist - The Mosman Art Prize - ‘A day at the zoo.’

2014      Solo exhibition - ‘Life captured.’

              Finalist - Sulman AGNSW - ‘Life on earth is disappearing fast for our closest relative.’

2013      Solo exhibition - ‘Past works.’

2012      Finalist - The Mosman Art Prize – ‘Contemplation.’

2010      Solo exhibition - ‘Just add water.’


2015     Art Ascent Magazine - Distinguished Artist.

2014     Magazine cover Kogarah City Council Cultural Plan 2013.

2006    Book cover ‘Waterlemon’ by Ruth Ritchie.


2014     Whim, 2SER radio, Sydney Morning Herald, Art Hub, Art Month, Sydney Art Galleries and Art Community, Back Yard Opera,

             What's on Sydney, Sneaky, Hijacked, Lip, The Brag, Alt Media, Australian Arts Review, FBI Radio, North Side FM, Mosman Daily.

2010     Mosman Daily, Open Gallery SMH.


Art Director

1989     INTERNATIONAL FILM & TV FESTIVAL OF NEW YORK- Finalist, CLIO AWARDS - Certificate of Creative.

1988     MOBIUS - Certificate for outstanding creativity Excellence.


             FESTIVAL OF NEW YORK - Gold.



1985     TVB RETAIL ADVERTISING AWARDS - Category Winner.           

Creative Director

1990     READERS DIGEST - Monthly winner, GOLDEN STYLUS - Silver, AWARD - Silver.



1987     PAN PACIFIC - Silver, MOBIUS - Winner.            

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